1. Report -

    Our report looks at what you told us about whether you could access your GP and the barriers you faced.
  2. Report -

    Healthwatch Hartlepool recognises that many people in Hartlepool are significantly affected by health inequalities and high levels of ill-health.
  3. News -

    TEWV have recently updated the contact number of its 24 hour freephone mental health crisis helpline.
  4. News -

    The urgent care team in Hartlepool is reminding its community about the health issues it can help you with.
  5. News -

    A group of cancer survivors and people affected by cancer who are part of a creative support group have reunited following the pandemic. Come and join our group and get creative.
  6. News -

    The Covid-19 vaccination rollout was the fastest in England’s history – it has saved countless lives and allowed us to live with this virus without restrictions on our freedoms.
  7. News -

    Children and young people who are eligible for a Covid -19 vaccine should take up the offer to gain the best possible protection.
  8. News -

    The Healthwatch Hartlepool Newsletter for September is now available to download. Please click on the link below
  9. Advice and Information -

    Dispelling the most common rumours relating to NHS dentistry
    Healthwatch teams across the North East have seen a significant increase in concerns around getting to see their local dentist.
    This is also a big problem across the rest of the country.
    These concerns have been made worse by some common myths and
    mis-understandings around how dentist practices work.

    Click on the link below to read the Dentistry Myth Busting report!
  10. Advice and Information -

    To book an appointment for the 7 Day GP Access Service, please contact your own GP surgery first!
  11. Advice and Information -

    Contracting COVID-19 can be a distressing experience that affects people differently, meaning you may have different care and wellbeing needs to others. Although most people who have a mild case of COVID-19 recover quickly, around one in ten patients will report prolonged symptoms that can last for several weeks or even months. These symptoms can include chronic fatigue, shortness of breath, a cough and loss of sense of taste and smell, among others. Where symptoms persist past twelve weeks, this is known as post-Covid syndrome. If your symptoms last for more than twelve weeks, you may require support to ensure that you recover well. NHS North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) have compiled a variety of self-help resources, as well as information on the services available locally that can assist you with post-Covid syndrome. This information covers things like diet, exercise and smoking (if applicable), getting back to work and when to seek further support.