1. Advice and Information -

    What are the aims of the project?
    The research will give autistic people the chance to share their experiences of their autism diagnostic assessment to help us understand the support they received before, during and after the assessment and identify other types of support that might have been helpful. The survey is open to people who: are over 18 and have gone through or are waiting for an autism diagnosis, do not also have a learning disability and live in the North East or North Cumbria region. If this applies to you, please share your experiences with us by completing our online survey using the link below.
  2. Report -

    Read about our year, our projects and successes over the last year in our latest annual report.
  3. Report -

    Read about this years successes and highlights in our annual report, as well as the biggest projects we have worked on over the last financial year.
  4. Report -

    Find out about our year and the projects were we have improved services and care across Hartlepool for everyone.
  5. Report -

    Healthwatch Hartlepool recognises that many people in Hartlepool are significantly affected by health inequalities and high levels of ill-health.
  6. Advice and Information -

    New measures to improve access to dental care
    A new package of measures to improve patient access to dental care has been introduced by the government.
  7. Report -

    In 2014 Healthwatch Hartlepool conducted a major investigation of hospital discharge from North Tees and Hartlepool Hospitals following a high number of concerns received from patients, family members and carer providers with regard to experience of the discharge process and subsequent care provision. Following our investigation, a report was produced which made a series of recommendations around changes and developments we considered were needed in order to improve care provision and patient experience of the discharge process.
  8. News -

    We need your views and feedback to help shape future services, including planning the next phase of the NHS’s dental recovery plan in the region.
    So if you are living in the North East and North Cumbria, have recent experiences with using or trying to access dental services, then share your experiences with us here.
    Across the North East and North Cumbria, local Healthwatch are working together to tackle this important issue. You can find more information about our Healthwatch Network here.
    The survey closes on 31 March 2024 and as a thank you for your time we are offering £100 of Love-to-Shop vouchers to a lucky prize draw winner.
    If you require a paper copy or have any questions about this survey, please contact 0800 254 5552 or email yoursay@healthwatchhartlepool.co.uk

    Click on the link below to complete the online survey!