1. Report -

    Read about our year, our projects and successes over the last year in our latest annual report.
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    Read about this years successes and highlights in our annual report, as well as the biggest projects we have worked on over the last financial year.
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    Find out about our year and the projects were we have improved services and care across Hartlepool for everyone.
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    Healthwatch Hartlepool recognises that many people in Hartlepool are significantly affected by health inequalities and high levels of ill-health.
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    In 2014 Healthwatch Hartlepool conducted a major investigation of hospital discharge from North Tees and Hartlepool Hospitals following a high number of concerns received from patients, family members and carer providers with regard to experience of the discharge process and subsequent care provision. Following our investigation, a report was produced which made a series of recommendations around changes and developments we considered were needed in order to improve care provision and patient experience of the discharge process.